WordPress Featured on Wall Street Journal Business International


of , , the self-hosted version of , was featured today on the Wall Street Journal Business talking about the fact that WordPress now supports 14% of all websites in the world, approximately 1 in 6 globally.

Matt Mullenweg interviewed by Wall Street Journal international business about WordPress.

Click to view video on Wall Street Journal site.

In my own research on WordPress stats, 25% of all websites are published with WordPress, though this is based upon the statistic that more than half of these are on WordPress.com, where people come and go and set up test sites on a regular basis and abandon them, so Matt’s number may represent a more accurate number of active sites.

Matt Mullenweg and Toni Schneider were interviewed by Forbes in September talking about the impact of 60 million websites running WordPress. They also covered how WordPress makes money and why there is not WordPress “office” for their employees scattered around the world.

I discuss this in a little more detail in “WordPress Featured in Wall Street Journal” on .

WordPress PDX Meetup October 29, 2012

The next Portland WordPress Meetup is October 29, 6:30PM, at the US Bancorps Bldg. in downtown Portland. Aaron Hockley, noted photographer and WordPress expert will be covering “Supercharge Your WordPress.”

Aaron spoke at my last WordPress class at Clark College and is the founder of WordCamp Portland (PDX), an annual WordPress event in Portland.

I highly recommend attendance.

For those already familiar with the code, WordPress Themes, and Plugins, a second meeting will be Tuesday, October 16 at 6:30PM at the US Bancorps Bldg, and be focused totally on the code and developer issues. See Peer Code Review for more details.